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Live Help from Knowledgeable Agents

Questions about medical alert systems? Our goal is to help Americans find a response device that gives them the peace of mind that their loved ones are safe and provides assistance during emergencies. Call to speak with a live agent whose goal it is to find a medical alert system that suits your needs and budget.

We’ve made the process easy so that you can compare medical alert device prices. With so many options, you can find the perfect medical alert system for you. Start comparing devices and save money!

Types of Medical Alert Systems

When shopping for a medical alert system, there are a variety of options to choose from and each may have different features. The types of devices offered may vary and can include:


Monitored systems are devices where there is a live person on the other end that monitors call activity. With a monitored system, the individual on the other end ensures that false alarms are not passed along to the emergency line.


Unmonitored systems have multiple numbers that are programmed into the device. Incase of an emergency, the device will automatically go through the list of numbers to find assistance. If the calls are not answered, the device will dial 911 as a last resort.

Device with
Fall Alert

Unmonitored or monitored devices can both have fall alert built in. Fall alert automatically determines if the user has fallen without the individual having to press any buttons. The benefit is that the individual can receive help quickly.

Medical alert systems are beneficial for elderly people, individuals with epilepsy, people with diabetes, those with dementia, caregivers and loved ones for peace of mind. If you are interested in a medical alert device, or have questions about medical alert systems,
call 1-888-243-0511 to speak with a live agent.

Compare Devices and Pricing

Call to compare devices and prices with a live agent to find one that suits your needs. Explore your options and have your questions answered. Which medical alert system is best for you? How much will you pay? Is there a fixed price? Can I pay in installments? Are there contract terms? Is there monitoring? How effective is the medical alert system? Every individual has unique needs and questions, call now to speak to an agent.

Learn more about different types of medical alert systems, and find a device in which you feel confident.